The American public has this really annoying way of demonstrating our "isms" after a major news event. We got a good taste of this last year when Hillary Clinton ran for president, last week when the NY Post published a cartoon depicting our president as a chimp and for the last several weeks since this Rihanna and Chris Brown drama went down. The Daily News published this article today and I've had enough.
OK. So we don't know all the details of went on between Chris Brown and Rihanna. All we know is he was arrested and she was treated in the hospital. Until we know more, we should really stop from speculating. But while we are speculating there's only so much that should be said. The Daily News article, which is mostly about Chris Brown going to anger management, has some really disgusting quotes from anonymous sources, including:
"It didn't help that Rihanna grabbed the keys out of his rented Lamborghini and threw them down the street. She knew it would really infuriate Chris, and it worked."
Really, so now throwing keys justifies violence? I get it. Chris Brown is young. He's talented. And I don't know that he's guilty. But rather than saying, "he didn't do it." The rhetoric seems to be, "he did it but it wasn't his fault." So whose fault is it then? Rihanna's? The mighty media?
I intentionally did not look at the pictures of Rihanna's injuries that TMZ posted because I thought it was terrible that they were even available. So I don't know how extensive her injuries were. But if he is indeed responsible for them he should be punished. If he is not, then whoever resorted to that kind of violence should be punished. But enough with the "it's OK to hit a woman when..." talk.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
I can't agree with you more. In this era of all-access news, we are all too willing to excuse actions of people society deems "good people." The news media justifies the actions of this selected group of hollywooders. This incident should have brought forth a genuine domestic violence discussion. Instead fans seem to pick sides. I can not remember how many "team Chris" or "Team Rihanna" facebook statuses I've seen recently. People seem to throw support behind them as if this is the Super Bowl. I concur with your disgust.