do I start? I guess since my head feels like it's going to explode at any minute I'll start from the beginning.
Rant 1:
Dear Random Men on the Subway,
I tried. I really, really tried to be nice. Look, if I was interested you wouldn't have to ask for my phone number more than once and you certainly wouldn't have to ask for it five times before I abruptly got up and moved away. No, I don't want to be your friend. No, I don't have a boyfriend. And that doesn't change the fact that you're still annoying me. You have forced me to be rude to a complete stranger. I hate that. But it was necessary.
Best of luck with some other young woman who is listening to her IPod and reading, you jerk who obviously cannot take a hint.
Hate always,
Rant 2:
So when I graduate, I'll have a degree in Urban Policy Analysis and Management. But right now, I'm seriously considering not graduating and transferring from Milano to Wagner at NYU. Why? Because 1) My policy lab class is a stupid exercise in vanity and superficial bull. Not that it isn't challenging...Oh, it is. But the challenging part is scheduling constant meetings around five busy people some of whom have FULL TIME JOBS and working with limited data on issues that cannot be solved in five weeks. 2) I haven't actually learned anything from policy lab. Like what's there to learn? Group work is difficult because everyone has other stuff to do? If I don't have enough time to actually analyze something I can just BS through it in a pretty looking Power Point presentation. 3) If I get kicked out of one more New School building/room I'm going to hurt someone. 4) When I first encountered an admissions counselor at the New School, they told me, "yes, many of our students work full time. Most of our classes are at night." What they neglected to mention was that in Fall 2008 the campus would be downsized and we would lose an entire building's worth of classrooms, making it almost impossible to schedule the majority of classes at night instead of in the middle of the day. Thanks, a lot Milano.
Gradute school is expensive and I'm OK with it being challenging too. But I'd like to learn something from a class, instead of actually just doing a ton of work to simulate a "professional environment." I'm 25 and have a two page resume, I don't need to simulate a professional environment. Been there. Done that. And I'm actually one of the younger people in the program. I am sooooo close to joining the revolutionaries that took over campus last month...Just cause. I'm pissed!
I'm going to go eat a brownie or six to calm myself.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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